Green Valley Società Agricola

NewsGreen Valley and the Enecta Bike Tour, discovering Hemp!

Green Valley and the Enecta Bike Tour, discovering Hemp!

Green Valley collaborates with Enecta in this sports and cultural event with the objective to increase awareness of the potentialities of cannabidiol (CBD), in order to promote a healthy lifestyle connected to psychological and physical well-being and to discover an uncontaminated territory immersed in nature.

The Enecta Bike Tour is an event connected to the worlds of Sport and Hemp, has been held in Abruzzo, Castelvecchio Subequo for about two years now and will come back in 2020 with its third edition.

The Tour was held on 29th and 30th June this year; Green Valley collaborated with Enecta in the promotion of the relationship between CBD and Sport with the objective to increase awareness on the potentialities of this molecule and also to boost a lifestyle linked to psychological and physical well-being of the individual.

At the same time, the Enecta Bike Tour is a moment of promotion and discovery of the territory, of accompanying cyclists coming from all over the world in the discovery of uncontaminated places, where nature prevails; it is a moment of discovery of the culture and traditions of Abruzzo. Of understanding how the local economy develops in these places, so far away from the big cities. 

The Enecta Bike Tour is held in Abruzzo, because that is where very high-quality CBD is produced, thanks to an uncontaminated territory with nearly zero pollution. We are at the foot of the Regional Natural Park of Sirente Velino.

Over 150 km are covered by bike, divided in two stages, in the heart of the Abruzzo National Park, in the   Lazio and Molise regions, with departure from and arrival in Castelvecchio Subequo.

During the second edition, Green Valley  promoted, prior to the departure of the cyclists, a walk of 4 km to the fields, which led to the final destination of Molina Aterno, where Green Valley, in partnership with Enecta, created one of the biggest Cannabis Sativa fields ever set up in Italy.

In the field and after the walk, doctor Gianpaolo Grassi from CREA-CI in Rovigo, held a short conference during which he demonstrated the characteristics and properties of Cannabis and its molecules, which are showing to create an ever growing interest among the public opinion and in the scientific community.

At the ‘Padre Pio’ Hall a debate was held, chaired by the journalist Angela Di Giorgio, during which Gianpaolo Grassi from CREA – CI, Rovigo and the president of Confagricoltura Abruzzo, Fabrizio Lobene held speeches.

Grassi, in front of a very crowded and highly interested hall,  illustrated the origins and the application fields of Cannabis, as well as the regulatory pathways which have been followed in recent years concerning this topic. 

Fabrizio Lobene underlined the commitment in the past few years of organisations such as Confagricoltura,  in the promotion of this culture and in activities of support to farmers and companies. Many steps ahead have been made but there is still a long way to go in order to implement the sector.

After the conference, the film ‘Terre di Cannabis’, by Gianluca Marcon was projected; a film presented in national preview at the 22nd edition of Cinemambiente Torino, telling the story of the Hemp project in Valle Subequana.

Enthusiastic, both cyclists and companions, discovering the breathtaking landscapes in the heart of Abruzzo and coming from Bologna, Milan, Mantua, Rotterdam, Maribor and Vienna.

Also present was an Indian cycling tourist, Pawan, who challenged the Abruzzo mountains in an atmosphere of great participation and team spirit, and with the objective to overcome each and every difficulty together, such as the steep climbs in the first stage of the Tour.

During the two days  some of the most beautiful villages of Italy were crossed, such as Anversa degli Abruzzi, Scanno, Villetta Barrea, Pescasseroli, Opi Bisegna, where nature and mountains are the undisputed masters.

The next appointment is the third edition in 2020, which has as its objective incrementing foreign presence and introducing the participants to the beauties of the heart of Abruzzo, by biking around.

“It’s a very important event – stated mayor Pietro Salutari of Castelvecchio Subequo during his public speech – as a Municipal Administration, and according to the possibilities of a small town, we will continue to try and give our support, in order to make the manifestation grow”.