Green Valley Società Agricola

NewsCannabis Sativa seeds, which are they and how to purchase them on the market

Cannabis Sativa seeds, which are they and how to purchase them on the market

66 are the varieties of cannabis certified at European level, which can be legally cultivated.

Today it is possible to find Cannabis seeds on the market intended for various uses and processes. Let’s try and draw a distinction by identifying two macro-categories, subject to different regulatory regimes.

  1. Seeds containing mainly CBD and other cannabinoids, with a certified presence of THC of 0.2%. This variety of seeds is listed in the European register of seeds and can be cultivated on the entire European territory. In Italy, following Law 242/2016, the European limit was increased from 0.2 to 0.6 

Click here to consult the Register of the European Commission

  1. Online it is possible to purchase seeds with high THC contents, which can be utilised as collectible seeds, in order to conserve the genetic information of the plant. However, in Italy, a sentence of the Court of Cassation has opened up to their home growing for personal use, regarding which, however, some questions remain unanswered, for which an intervention by the legislator is expected, in order to clarify the topic in a definite manner. To learn more click Here.

The industrial varieties can be divided in two categories, monoecious and dioecious, with different characteristics and properties, selected according to what one has the intention to cultivate and with which purposes.

How to purchase Cannabis Sativa seeds

In Italy it has been possible to cultivate Cannabis Sativa in a secure manner for some years now. The topic was regulated by Law no. 242/2016.

Green Valley proposes an interesting purchasing opportunity with the promotion of Futura 75 seeds.

Futura 75 is a monoecious variety developed in France; generally it develops a CBD/CBDA percentage of about 2-3% and of 0.12% of THCA/THC.  
For further information please write an e-mail to and we will support you with all the information you require.  

Which are the main dioecious varieties of Hemp?

We will briefly touch on the description of the dioecious Hemp varieties, which generate both female and male plants and are suitable for the processing of fibre, hemp shives, biomass and inflorescences.  

Carmagnola – Variety selected in Italy, on the initiative of the Assocanapa association, it is used for the production of fibre, fabric and for its application in green-building.

Eletta Campana – This is one of the most widespread varieties in Italy. Initially developed for the production of biomass, it is indicated also for the production of seeds and mostly of inflorescences. 

Fibranova – This is a variety created in the Fifties, when Bredemann Eletta was crossed with Carmagnola.

Finola – This is a variety developed in Finland in 1995, it well adapts to low temperatures and is indicated by many experts for indoor growing as it does not become very heigh and hence is easily manageable.

Kompolti – This is a very widespread variety, developed in Hungary, it is characterised by its high resistance and excellent adaptability to various environments. The flowers produced by Kompolti are highly resinous  and very fragrant.

Tisza – This is a Hungarian hybrid variety, developed for the production of fibre, it can be processed also for the production of seeds.

Tiborszallasi – Created in Hungary from Italian varieties. Its use is ideal in the textile industry, in fact it produces one of the best qualities of fibres in the world.

Which are the main monoecious varieties of Hemp?

Futura 75 – This is a French monoecious variety, it is often recommended for the processing and transformation into fabrics, with a moderate level of seed production, It guarantees a good performance also for the processing of biomass.

Uso 31 – This is a variety coming from Eastern Europe, it is mainly utilised for the production of seed. Compared with other varieties, it flourishes prematurely.

Fedora – We are talking about a French monoecious variety, it is divided into three categories: Fedora 17, 19 and 74.

Felina 34 –This is a French variety, it guarantees a good yield in terms of fibre and seed. It is obtained from the crossing of the Kompolti variety with Fibrimon 24.

KC Zuzava – This is a variety suitable for the production of seeds, fibre and flowers. In open spaces it can reach the height of 3 metres and a production of material ranging from 5 to 7 tonnes per hectare.

Fibrol – This is a Hungarian variety, obtained from a selection of Kompolti for the production of Hemp oil.

KC Dora – This is a Hungarian monoecious variety, obtained from the crossing of Kompolti and a French monoecious variety, it is characterised by its height, which can reach up to 3.5 metres, and its abundant seed production.

KC Virtus – We are again talking about a Hungarian monoecious variety, which grows much in height and is characterised by a good production of fibre.