Cannabis seeds for cultivation
Cannabis growers are often faced with a number of questions ranging from choosing the best cannabis seeds to grow, to the potential uses of extracted biomass, to what certification
Cannabis Sativa seeds, which are they and how to purchase them on the market
66 are the varieties of cannabis certified at European level, which can be legally cultivated. Today it is possible to find Cannabis seeds on the market intended for various uses a
The Hemp Manifesto for a Green recovery
Federcanapa, in collaboration with EIHA, presents a manifesto in order to relaunch new economic models for the post-Covid era. The health emergency related to COVID19 has overturne
Hemp Biomass, properties and quality of the product
The processing of quality Sativa cannabis requires precise treatment operations, subject to guarantee and safety protocols Cannabis Sativa Biomass is the apical part of the plant
Hemp, Interview with Grassi, “Our strong point is Made in Italy”
Interview with Gianpaolo Grassi, first researcher of the Rovigo Hemp Research Center and member of the Federcanapa Scientific Committee What does 2020 look like for the Cannabis se
Quality Hemp Biomass, processing and market research
In order to obtain quality Hemp it is very important to plan the work to be done during the year, when we talk about biomass we mean the entire apical part excluded the shaft; in o
Plastic in the time of COVID19, will Hemp save us?
With the growing request of NWF, the alternative to deforestation could be the cultivation of fibre Hemp. The COVID19 pandemic has triggered reactions in individuals of various
Virus, climate changes and Hemp: these are the challenges for the future
According to a report of the WWF the destruction of ecosystems highlights a very close relationship between the diseases terrorizing the Planet today and the nature loss 202
Interview with Beppe Croce, national president of Federcanapa
“In recent decades, hemp flower has proven to be a compound of extraordinary value, due to the fact that science has gradually discovered the therapeutic and healthful value
Italy, agriculture at the time of the Coronavirus: what is happening?
If you are an agricultural entrepreneur, an agricultural worker, also just seasonally, there are no limitations to your working activities The Coronavirus has been declare