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NewsCannabis seeds for cultivation

Cannabis seeds for cultivation

Cannabis growers are often faced with a number of questions ranging from choosing the best cannabis seeds to grow, to the potential uses of extracted biomass, to what certifications are required to grow cannabis plants on a regular basis.

In this article we will try to shed some light on:


  • The cultivation of industrial hemp
  • Biomass from extraction: what is it used for?
  • Industrial hemp cultivation techniques
  • The processing of hemp

The cultivation of industrial hemp

Cannabis sativa is a species of Cannabinaceae, cultivated in China since 2800 BC. From China, this crop quickly spread to Europe.

Historically it has been used recreationally for religious rituals and as a medicinal plant with curative qualities, and then adapted, given its richness in nutrients, also as ood and raw oil from hemp seeds and of course as  fiber for the production of textiles and ropes.

Did you know that the ropes of Christopher Columbus’o caravels were actually made of hemp? If they had not been so strong, they might not have led him to discover America.

From the mid-18th century, hemp seeds were regularly planted in Europe, China, the Soviet Union and North America to produce high-quality fibre, rope and cloth. Meanwhile, John Ford successfully experimented with hemp for the production of fuel and environmentally friendly cars.

From the 1930s onwards, cannabis growers began to face problems due to the prohibitionist movement that started in the United States and Canada and quickly spread globally, which imposed taxes and bans on the cultivation  of cannabis/hemp plants.

Behind this choice, there was undoubtedly prejudice against the recreational use of cannabis varieties with a high THC content (only many years later were varieties with a a high CBD content produced) but also a certain need to prevent the potential of cannabis seeds and plants from threatening certain economically very profitable sectors such as the oil industry.

Even in Italy, the fascist regime banned hemp production and cannabis growers were converted into soldiers.

However, the outbreak of World War II and the relative difficulty in importing fiber, temporarily ended the bans and restrictions. Hemp was so indispensable that the US Department of Agriculture even produced an educational video to train and motivate new cannabis growers.

With the end of the war, however, the bans were reintroduced and investments were directed to other crops.

In China, the Soviet Union, and Europe, prohibition had also regained the upper hand. It must also have been the invention of acrylic, as well as the easier availability of other synthetic fibers such as nylon and polyester, that was another key cause of the gradual disappearance of hemp from the industry.

The ban on the cultivation of cannabis plants for industrial purposes was only lifted in 1998 and officially regulated by the Hemp Regulation Program (as far as the USA is concerned), a document that has certainly inspired later ones a little all over the world. So as to keep the quality and active ingredients contained in cannabis plants under control.

Today (in Italy), with Law 242/16 on the Provisions for the promotion of the cultivation and agro-industrial supply chain of hemp, it is possible to grow cannabis plants for industrial purposes as long as certified cannabis seeds  (included in the Common European Catalogue) are planted  and the THC content remains between 0.2 and 0.6%.

It is possible to grow cannabis plants high in CBD (cannabidiol) or CBG (cannabigerol), which do not cause any psychotropic effects. A cannabis variety with a high CBD content, not only provides us with the same benefits as hemp (textile, energetic, chemical) but also enters a flourishing market.

Due to its therapeutic properties  and its very recent success (Epiodiolex, the  first cbd-based anti-epileptic drug a base di cbd) there is an increasing demand for high-quality CBD.

Demands come not only from the pharmaceutical sector but also from the food-nutraceutical sector where there is a trend toward highly nutritious natural products. This is the reason for the success of CBD oilThe cosmetics sector is also investing more and more in cannabinoid-based ingredients.

It could be said that we are at a moment in history when cannabis growers or entrepreneurs, who want to invest in the best cannabis seeds to create high-quality CBD products, have a successful future.


Extraction biomass what is it used for?

Hemp biomass consists of certain parts of the vegetal material produced by cannabis plants, mainly the flowers, in which the phitocannabinoids with high active ingredient content are found. The other parts of the plant such as leaves, seeds, branches, and stems are used according to their intended uses.

Biomass is precisely the raw material from which CBD is extracted.

Biomass is used in the production of:


  • Cbd oil
  • Pure crystals with high CBD content
  • Cannabinoid drugs
  • Hemp and cannabinoid edibles
  • Cannabinoid cosmetics
  • Cannabinoid e-liquids
  • Textiles
  • Paper
  • Fuel (hemp biodiesel)
  • Renewable energy

The versatility and potential of biomass are remarkable. However, it is important for cannabis growers to choose certified seeds, either to start their own cultivation that they can better manage or alternatively to opt for ready-made but certified biomass. In both cases, certification ensures that the products meet a set of European standards that guarantee high quality, stability, and a good return on your investment.

Clearly, there are also a whole series of standardized conditions and processes to be observed related to the environment and subjective factors.


Cultivation techniques

If you want to become a legal cannabis grower, you will have to choose between regular seeds, feminized cannabis seeds, or auto-flowering cannabis seeds.

The important thing: whatever you choose, buy certified seeds.

Regular seeds produce a 50% female and 50% male plant. These are very robust cannabis plants, ideal for fiber production and processing hemp into biomass for extraction and also for those with an interest in  seed harvesting.

Feminized seeds  are more suitable for those who are only interested in harvesting inflorescences rich in trichomes and, therefore, active ingredients, as the plant does not ‘waste’ energy in seed production following pollination.

Finally, auto-flowering cannabis seeds are for all those passionate cannabis growers who are short on time or simply want to speed up production. Cannabis plants produced from auto-flowering seeds are ready for harvest about two months after the germination of the seeds.

Once the best hemp seeds have been chosen, care must be taken on  how to store them. Storing the seeds is easy, but not following certain precautions could spoil them. Exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided, preferably in a dark, non-humid place, and sheltered from climatic changes or draughts. Also, it is best to avoid handling them with your hands unless they are very clean because any bacteria could contaminate them.

Preserving seeds is the responsibility of those who buy them but also of those who produce them.

During storage, we ensure that our products are properly stored and protected, always guaranteed, traceable and safe. We have developed the most suitable conditions for handling and shipping seeds and ensure that seed lots are always fresh and carefully stored.

Now that you have your hemp seeds, follow this short and effective guide divided into six steps:

Soil preparation:

it is important to prepare the soil by plowing at least 30 centimeters deep. The soil must be well-drained and free of depressions. It is advisable to carry out a soil analysis to ensure the absence of chemical residues, which can be harmful to your product.

To keep the soil drained, light, and airy, something natural such as perlite or expanded clay should be used.


During the vegetative phase, cannabis plants need a significant amount of nitrogen. In the flowering phase, on the other hand, the amount of nitrogen must be decreased, but it is important to keep the amounts of magnesium, potassium, and phosphorous high. It is advisable to fertilize your plants naturally using compost, manure, and slurry.


it is advisable to start in late spring, starting in April. If planted directly in the soil, each seed should be placed 1.5 to 2 cm deep and the distance between the seeds should be about 3 cm. We are still talking about a density of 7000 to 10000 hemp seeds per hectare. (for biomass production, for inflorescences it is lower and depends on the variety)

Pest control:

Cannabis plants are particularly resistant to pests, but they should be checked even before sowing and continue to be monitored throughout the germination phase when the cannabis sativa/indica plant is most fragile and delicate.


In outdoor cultivation cannabis plants usually self-regulate with the rain cycle or additional tanks, but indoors or in particularly dry conditions, an appropriate amount of water must be ensured. More water is especially needed just before the flowering phase to stimulate the growth of a good leaf apparatus and after the flowering phase to harvest full seeds.

Flower and seed harvesting:

It depends on the type of harvesting one wants to do, one can harvest everything together once the plant has reached full maturity. Considering that seed harvesting only takes place in the setting up of seed crops; for example, in the case of inflorescence production, males must not be present at all, so seed harvesting must not take place because males are eliminated beforehand. When the stems of the cannabis plants are still green, the seed is harvested, which can be done using normal threshers or threshers with an axial beater.

Finally, it is time to cut and collect the rest of the plant material that we will need for the production of biomass for extraction.



The hemp processing

When collecting the plant material, it is dried in a dark place. Processing is different for biomass and inflorescences. The humidity must be stable and not exceed 40%, for biomass we use ventilated dryers, for flowers temperature and humidity control is sufficient. For the extraction of fiber, it will be mechanically frayed and then processed. Appropriate technological tools designed to facilitate this operation will be needed.

For biomass production, the plant material is handled in production batches, i.e. from the same field and processed in the same way, trying not to mix different varieties with different characteristics. This is to ensure that all biomass has and maintains the same CBD content.

The packaging and storage processes are very delicate, are necessary to preserve our product in the best possible way, and must be carried out keeping the highest levels of hygiene and safety in order to guarantee high product quality over time.

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